
In my reflections, if a bona fide member of the academy comments that my reflection contains either an original thought or argument, I will note it in that reflection. Also, if it is brought to my attention that what I have said is also mentioned in another source, I will also note it. My intention in these reflections is to stimulate inquiry, imagination, and broadening of horizons.- JP

Note: The most recent reflection is at the top and my first is at the bottom. You can either start at the bottom of the well and swim up or start at the top and dive in, your choice. – JP

13 Hours           

Mechanics, Intent, How, Why  June 26, 2019

This reflection has been in formulation for a long time and is a stepping stone to continued reflections.  I am drawing on Richard Rohr, Delores Canon, Michael D. Newton, Sri Aurobindo, W. Taylor Stevenson, my time in seminary and clergy colleagues as both educators and inspirations for these thoughts.  My intent is to not short change anyone, but also to be as succinct as possible with the contemplation of Creation.

In my career as an aviator, precise and to the point were the guiding principals of action.  Knowing exactly and controlling the moment was the mode of operation.  As much as I loved flying, I still found it lacking in helping to answer the spiritual questions that are an inexorable part of life.  When I attended seminary and expected to find the answers, I was still left asking.  The twenty-five years after seminary, along with the forty-three preceding it, are what it has taken to arrive at this moment of clarity.

My big question is, what are we thrashing about with spiritual questions and what we believe to be the answers?  It wasn’t a Road to Damascus moment when I began to find clarity, but it was definitely an exciting AAHa moment.

The mechanics of Creation are astounding, beautiful, exciting and a source of never-ending discovery, but if we seek the answers only in the mechanics, I believe we severely limit ourselves.  For me the more complete discovery lies in first encountering the intent of creation.  What was Source’s intent in creating?  That question leads us to Why that intent?  in embracing the possibilities of intent, we move to the How are we supposed to engage and be part of that intent?  A question continually working on an answer that continually leads to another question.

Rather than despair about the seeming enormity of the enterprise of life, my cheerleading moment is this, enjoy swimming in the pot of chicken soup that we are all in.  I found a release from spiritual anxiety when I quit worrying about the mechanics and focused on the intent.  I found delight in engaging the interplay between the How and Why.

I do not believe the answers can be contained in a 900 page tome, but are best engaged face to face over coffee and monkey bread.  Enjoy the swim my friends.

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